1:1 Health & Nutrition Coaching

Reclaiming your health doesn’t have to be an overwhelming journey.  Are you looking to undercover the underlying factors driving your symptoms and getting in the way of your progress to optimal health …

But you’re just not sure how to put the pieces together to make that dream a reality.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you’re nodding along to any of these, I totally understand. This used to be me too.

NutriSian health and nutrition coaching

Let me share my story with you.

As a busy working mum of 2 boys, I know only too well that the ups and downs of life can disrupt you from prioritising yourself and prevent you from achieving your health goals.

After a decade of struggling with my weight, gut issues and exhaustion. I knew I needed to make some changes.

This is where my interest in Nutrition started to gain momentum.  What followed was an understanding of how our body systems impact each other, and I was finally able to put the puzzle pieces together. I was finally able to heal and live the vibrant life I knew was still waiting for me. 

I’m far from perfect and I still love a glass of wine with dinner, but I’ve found the balance I was searching for.

Even the subtlest of symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that something needs attention.

Whether it’s gut & digestive discomforts including bloating and IBS, low energy, fatigue, low mood, frequent sugar cravings, auto-immune challenges, or  hormone imbalances such as PCOS,  PMS, peri-menopause symptoms, menopause symptoms, thyroid or adrenal issues, my passion is to help you figure out what will make you feel better. 

My approach is emphatic, supportive and most importantly, will help you achieve realistic and sustainable nutrition & lifestyle changes for better health and wellbeing.

Would you like a personalised approach that takes into account your unique circumstances?

Creating new eating & lifestyle habits takes time. As you embark on this journey toward a healthier, more radiant you it`s great to have someone who will answer your questions, keep you accountable and support you every step of your way with empathy and understanding.

My 12 week programme is designed to enable you to finally take back the reins on your health, reconnect with your body’s needs, balance your system and establish the way you nourish your body for the long term.

I love working with people using a unique mix of mentoring, strategy, coaching and mindset work. To help you reach your individual life and health goals, hopes and dreams.

What's Included in the Nutrition Programme?

Initial Questionnaire

To bring me up to speed with where you’re at, your health goals and what you’d like to achieve within this programme so we can get started and hit the ground running.

Call 1: Initial Consultation (60 mins)

At the start of the programme we’ll have a 60 minute call so we can really deep dive into your version of success, and your health and wellness goals. This call will set us up for the rest of the programme.

Calls 2-5: 4 Check-in Sessions (30 mins)

We will meet every 2 weeks to review how you are getting on and make any necessary tweaks.  We’ll always end our sessions with a set of actions so you know exactly what your next steps should be.

Call 6: Follow-up Session (60 mins)

At the end of the programme we’ll have a 60 minute call to embed everything we’ve done over the previous few weeks and to create a plan of action for you to take forward for the future. 

Email and voice note support

Have access to me whenever you need support or have a question. Having a wobble? Pop me an email or send me a voice note and I’ll help you through. It’s like having me in your back pocket.

Womens health nutritionist NutriSian Starter Pack
Weekly Accountability Check ins

Every week you’ll get an email or voice note from me to check in with how things are going. My clients have told me this is super helpful in keeping them moving forward and making progress.

Me as your cheerleader

Sometimes you just need someone to give you a confidence boost when yours has been knocked, to remind you how awesome you are and help you hold the vision of what you wish for yourself.

Investment: £390

LONGER-TERM COACHING SUPPORT: for complex health cases and/or clients seeking ongoing support I offer a 6-month support package. Price available on request.

I know this can feel like a scarily big step!

I know this can feel like a scarily big step, especially when life is already bustling with responsibilities and commitments.  But here’s the thing – taking this step towards prioritising your health is not just an investment in yourself, it’s a leap towards a healthier, happier you.


Over these 12 weeks, I’ll be your dedicated guide, walking alongside you through every twist and turn. Together, we’ll navigate the path to wellness in a way that seamlessly integrates into your busy life.


You’re not alone on this journey; you have a companion, a support system, and a tailored plan designed just for you. Let’s embark on this transformative adventure together, and in just a few weeks, you’ll look back and realize that this ‘big step’ was the best decision you ever made for your well-being.

Not sure if the 12-week programme is right for you? Drop me an email [email protected] or book a free chat below:

More questions? Check out my FAQ page.