Personalised Nutrition Review

Know What You Need, But Not Sure How to Get There?  Looking to make improvements to your diet through small dietary changes? Have specific issue that you need help with?  Just need someone to talk things through with

Let me help you get unstuck with my nutrition review.

Nutrition review hormone balance perimenopause nutritionist Birmingham NutriSian Sian Barker

Join Me for a Virtual Coffee Date

Sometimes, all it takes is a comforting conversation.  You might have a clear idea of your nutrition goals, but the journey ahead might seem daunting.   

Whatever your questions or concerns, or just need some advice, I’m here to listen, guide, and support you on your nutritional journey.

You can use this call to help you:

  • Optimise your nutrient intake to support health conditions
  • Get clarity on what and how you should be eating
  • Figure out how to approach menopausal symptoms
  • Discuss a specific health concern
  • Get clear on meal planning ideas, shopping and food preparation
  • ‘Pick my brains’ with any specific questions you have
  • Talk through any mindset blocks you feel are keeping you stuck
  • Work through all your needs and develop a plan

Who is The Nutrition Review For?

This call is suitable for someone looking to make improvements to their diet through small dietary changes and who wants to have a clear plan of action to follow that will get them results.

It’s particularly ideal for those who just need to get a plan and strategy in place but once they have that they feel they can confidently implement it themselves. 

The Nutrtion Review includes:

  • Nutrition questionnaire and 3 day Food & Lifestyle diary prior to the consultation
  • Initial consultation (60 mins) to discuss your general health and current dietary habits to give me a comprehensive picture of where you are at and how I can best support you
  • Follow-up session (30 mins) 4 weeks later to review how you are getting on
  • Written review of each session with easy-to-follow recommendations  for you to start implementing straight away
  • Any additional resources I think might help you
  • Email and WhatsApp support throughout

What's not included:

  • On-going support and coaching guidance to help you integrate the nutritional changes.  If you feel like you’ll need more ongoing support  see my 1:1 Coaching for this.
  • full nutrition & wellness plan with educational information. (see my 1:1 Coaching programme for this)

Investment: £125

Meal planning recipes nutrition review

Please note: If after the call you would like to go ahead with my 1:1 Programme I can deduct the cost of the consultation call from the programme.