The NutriSian Starter Pack

Say “no thank you” to the restrictive yo-yo dieting and “Yes please” to creating real results without sacrificing your lifestyle.

Are you?

  • Constantly exhausted, never sleep well, and are always hungry
  • You’ve tried everything but you just keep losing and gaining the same 5 pounds despite your best efforts.
  • You’ll start eating healthy with enthusiasm but lose motivation once the weekend rolls around.
  • You feel anxious going out because you don’t want to throw off your diet.
  • You want food freedom but also want to feel good in your body.
  • You try to eat healthy but feel restricted from the foods and treats you love.
  • You’re just tired of feeling like a shadow of your former self – bloated, knackered, dragging yourself through life.

Enough with the confusion, the perfectionism, the mental chatter draining your energy.  

It doesn’t have to be this way

Womens health nutritionist NutriSian Starter Pack

Hi, I'm Sian

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist, founder of NutriSian, and I’m delighted to have you here.

As a mum of two teenage boys, I fully understand the juggling act of balancing family, work, and personal well-being. For the majority of my adult life, I was tied to a desk in a corporate job, grappling with confidence issues and burnout … let’s say I’ve had my share of metabolism and hormonal challenges.

I see you, I hear you, and I TOTALLY understand.

I know you can’t just change your life, but by making small, simple changes you can transform your health, improve your energy, all while fitting it into your busy schedule.

My mission is to empower women to build a trusting, positive relationship with their bodies, where food is seen as a source of nourishment and joy, not categorised as good or bad.

I want to help you take action, be in control of your health and not to get caught up in the time-consuming fluff that brings little or no value in helping you.


The NutriSian Starter Pack

  • In this self-paced online nutrition program, you’ll get a re-education in nutrition so you can wipe out all the noise in your head around what you think you “should” or “shouldn’t” be eating.
  • You’ll discover the ultimate roadmap to implementing sustainable nutrition habits, forget all those fad diets that have failed you, and find out how to meet your goals!
  • I’ve created this program with a busy modern woman in mind, so you can consume the content the way it works best for you – listening to it on the go or at the comfort of your desk, watching videos and maybe even making notes.
  • We’ll get back to the basics of healthy eating and movement so you can walk away with a healthy, sustainable relationship with food.
  • The NutriSian Starter Pack is more than just an online nutrition program; each pillar is an essential building block for anyone looking to get off the diet roller coaster, take charge of their nutrition and build lasting habits.
  • You’ll learn to build core nutrition and lifestyle habits that align with your body’s needs. Say goodbye to exhaustion and overwhelm, and hello to improved energy, better mood, and mental clarity. And yes, you can maintain a healthy weight without sacrificing your quality of life.

What's inside?

Video Modules: Video modules to dive deep into the most fundamental components of nutrition and answer the hard questions we all struggle with and help you make real changes.

Handouts and Guidance: To support your learning further, these resources will provide you with actionable steps, tips, and reminders to help you stay on track and take away for life.

Sustainable Nutrition Habits: Learn to implement nutrition habits that last. No more quick-fix fad diets, we focus on creating healthy eating patterns that you can maintain long-term.

Simple and Practical: We break down complex nutritional concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. You'll get practical tips and meal plans that fit into your busy lifestyle.

Meal Planning Made Easy: Learn how to create delicious, nutritious meals without spending hours in the kitchen.  Forget dieting and meal plans, it’s all about flexibility.

Core Nutrition Habits: Develop habits that align with your needs. Learn to listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues, choose nutritious foods, and make changes that support you.

You’ll also receive an exclusive discount on any of our other programs so if you decide you want to continue to work with me, this program basically pays for itself!

This program is for you if …

  • You re ready to quit the endless restrictive diets for good
  • You want to learn how to make and maintain sustainable changes that will benefit you for life
  • You want to build skills that will allow you to manage your nutrition on your own
  • You are ready to shift your focus from just the number on the scale to how you look, feel, and perform
  • You’re ready to put in the work and make serious lifestyle changes

It’s not for you if …

  • You only want to commit to a 30-day quick fix
  • You believe that hiring a nutritionist guarantees automatic results
  • You aren’t ready for a little sacrifice and hard work in order to create lasting changes. Real, sustainable weight loss takes time and the process is slower than a fad diet.
  • You just “want to be told what to do.” There’s a lot of education and resources provided and you’ll be expected to participate in the process through watching videos, filling out handouts, journaling, etc. I need the DO-ERs in this program.

IMPORTANT: This is not for you if you have specific medical conditions that may impact your nutrition. If that’s you, 1:1 coaching may be a better fit. If you’re unsure if this applies to you, I encourage you to reach out and ask!

Join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open.  

(and there may be a little discount waiting for you on the other side)

*Joining the waitlist does not lock you into any commitments and you can opt out at any time


Where does the program take place?

Online! You will receive all the materials via e-mail, so you can watch the modules at your own pace, whenever suits you. The resources consist of PDFs, emails and videos.

Is this program only for those who want to lose weight? How do I know if this program is for me?

This course is designed for women who are fed up with the confusion about what they should be eating.  Some areas that it will help include weight management, cravings, low mood, energy levels, thyroid issues – but this is not limited to.

This program is designed for women who want to build a happy, harmonious relationship with their bodies.

How long is the program?

The course is self-paced, allowing you to go through the material at your own speed, but it’s designed to take ~8 weeks. This flexibility lets you fit the course into your schedule, whether you prefer to complete it quickly or take your time to absorb the information thoroughly.

What if the program doesn't work for me?

The program works if you put in the work.

If you follow along with the materials and really trust the process, you will be more successful than you ever were before.  To see a change, YOU need to make a change.

Will I have to cut out any foods?

Nope! This program is created to teach you how ALL foods can fit into your diet, even if your goal is weight loss.  Restrictive diets don’t work. It’s time to get off the diet rollercoaster and still enjoy the food you love.

What happens after the progam ends?

The program is designed for you to feel confident in your nutrition needs after 8 weeks!  You’ll have the knowledge and tools to maintain healthy habits, manage your energy, mood, and mental clarity, and make informed nutrition choices.

 That said, after you work through the program, you might find you want a little accountability. If that’s the case, get in touch I’d love to see how I can help and because you’ve completed the program, you will receive a discount to any of my other programs.

Do you have a refund policy?

Because you receive instant access to the program upon registration, we do not offer any refunds.

If you aren’t sure if the course is right for you or you have more questions before you sign up, please email me at [email protected] – I’d love to help you out.

Can I get better results with 1:1 coaching?

With 1:1 coaching, you get more personalised guidance and support tailored to your specific needs, but because of this, it’s also significantly more costly.

This program is designed to give you access to our knowledge and resources without the price tag.

That said if you think 1:1 coaching is a better fit for you or if you have specific health issues, I’d love to help you out in one of my  1:1 services!

Not sure if it’s right for you?

Get in touch & let’s chat